
Man, hit another writing block for my story and wanting to start another story.  I've been watching a lot of dating reality shows and I really want to do a THE BOYZ apply fic, but idek if ppl do applyfics these days? Will it even gain traction if I were to do a THE BOYZ apply fic? 


Man, hit another writing block for my story and wanting to start another story.  I've been watching a lot of dating reality shows and I really want to do a THE BOYZ apply fic, but idek if ppl do applyfics these days? Will it even gain traction if I were to do a THE BOYZ apply fic? 


Hello Everyone, it's been 3 years since I've been on Wattpad! I've been busting my butt in college, but I'll be graduating soon! I'm back on here to do a mini-reset to my acc! I am drafting a story based on The Boyz's The B University YouTube Series! It'll be an interactive story where the readers can choose! (I will release the most popular choice first and then the unpopular choice next).  I'm excited to show you guys my new work and hopefully something high quality!


it's been a while since I've been on Wattpad. Wonder what's everyone been up to? I might start writing again, but I'm not sure. I went through my drafts and I might revise an old apply fic that flopped horribly bc the group wasn't that popular. Rename it, change some things, and make it better. Idk if I'll have enough time tbh because of college and stuff, but I do want to try and get back into writing stories over the summer or just try to be active in general. Try to get back into the apply fic scene or write new stories. Miss everyone and hello to new followers/readers.