`` rudy .. `` an arm would wrap around the sergeant majors' shoulders , a lopsided grin on alejandro face . maybe he had way too many drinks , but in his defense, rudy was the one who suggested they do this . `` ¿Alguna vez has... mirado a alguien y pensado... Oh, Dios mío... moriría por ellos? `` the words coming out in a slight slur , the thoughts in his head coming out .
@lasforces there was always that little thought in the back of his mind that something was missing , that they could be more . it wasn’t as though rodolfo wasn’t confident enough to stand up for his confession , no . he was more so worried about ruining their life - long friendship than anything else . “ you’ve always been far too kind . y tú tampoco eres el único que se siente así , alejandro . ” he swallowed nervously , expression softening as he didn’t dare look away from alejandro not even for a damn second .
he always had something on his mind . it was having moments like this , being able to drink with people he was close to it didn't feel as bad . not that he thought thinking too much was a bad thing . a breath was held for a second, almost considering not saying anything before releasing . screw it . this would be tomorrow's problem . `` it's not fair ... that you're so incredible . que siempre tienes mi corazón en un nudo. `` he spoke , hand gently squeezing the others . different kinds of emotions swirling in his eyes , a small huff leaving him
@lasforces “ te conozco bien , alejandro . ” he seemed to hum , eyes bright in the surrounding lights on base . rodolfo knew alejandro both in and out , considering both men have known each other for about twenty or so years.. maybe even more now . “ what’s not fair ? háblame , clearly you have more on your mind than this silly game . ” he smiled softly , feeling the heat rise in his face when a hand had taken his own . “ ale ? ”