
So this is my little rant cuz I just got ticked off. To the guy in my english class who can't mind his own flipping business: I don't care that you disagree with my topic and that it's everyone's right to spend hours upon hours online. Stfu. The whole point of this freaking paper is to show you WHY I THINK we should limit our OWN time online. It's not something I wanted you to freaking comment on and act like you're all smart cuz you related it back to some stupid reading we did in the beginning of class. You're the rudest loud mouth and Idc what you think. 


So this is my little rant cuz I just got ticked off. To the guy in my english class who can't mind his own flipping business: I don't care that you disagree with my topic and that it's everyone's right to spend hours upon hours online. Stfu. The whole point of this freaking paper is to show you WHY I THINK we should limit our OWN time online. It's not something I wanted you to freaking comment on and act like you're all smart cuz you related it back to some stupid reading we did in the beginning of class. You're the rudest loud mouth and Idc what you think.