1.) girls or guys with vulvas tbh. Guys w dicks never seem to hitch my likings... not always but quite commonly. I'm pan so it might not actually matter
2.) Clannaaaaaad (Clannad)
3.) Yes. It hurt, but, getting hurt physically always felt better than emotionally because physical scars never take too long to heal.
4.) No. I have quite a lot of hetero friends and they're awesome and downright respectful and as long as you're respectful period point blank, it shouldn't matter.
5.) nO what- what made you think thAT OhMiGOodnEsS (yes XD)
6.) No. I just can't. Even as a kid I couldn't. It never felt right and I always found loopholes in the religion that showed me things that I believe make it fake (others may not).
7.) Yea I watch it but I suck at drawing it (cartoons in general) because all of my art teachers were always awesome professionals and loved drawing realism and it's always been the most fun, but I practice drawing the style every now and then. ^.^