
Just taken saved by a vampire down so I can edit it. I just feel like I can add more to the backstory of Raven since I didn't add much and it doesn't make sense really. I figured out a timeline for her so it will probably be easier. I will write a sequel book more about her life but I will add small parts in so you have an idea of the character.


Just taken saved by a vampire down so I can edit it. I just feel like I can add more to the backstory of Raven since I didn't add much and it doesn't make sense really. I figured out a timeline for her so it will probably be easier. I will write a sequel book more about her life but I will add small parts in so you have an idea of the character.


I have moved all my books over now, either into drafts or over to one of my other writing profiles. I am nearly done with an original book on inkspired and will put it over here. I have over 23k views on it now which has made me so happy, I never got that many views on my books before. I'm so proud of myself for not giving up on my dream. I hope that getting paid books on here works out for me, it is taking some time on inkspired still and some of the books have available donations but I only got one donation so far. I'm trying to be patient though and keep up hope, maybe I will try to put them up on another social media. I could make a book profile on my tiktoks  updating about my books or I could make one on insta or something depending what social media is most used nowadays and see if that works. I'm sure that something will work out, I also have to figure out how to get paid from inkspired because it is still a bit confusing. Anyway, just wanted to give you all an update.


Hey everyone so I decided to make this account for original stories and all the stories on here that is fanfiction or for fun is going on the non-binary lovers account I mentioned before. I want to try and get paid stories on wattpad but don't want to make another account with having four writing accounts already. I know it will take some time but I am willing to try.


Deciding to put it the Missy x reader on here since it isn't get that much attention on the shared account and I only write it anways so makes more sense. I hope you all enjoy reading it when it is put up. I have a few chapters done already but will get up to chapter 10 I think before I start posting it so I can post one every week and every time I get two chapters left of being posted I will write another one. It is how I wrote the 13th Doctor x reader. This will have the same amount of chapters as that. The trigger warnings are in the description so if you aren't ok with any of them then don't feel you have to read it. Also will be writing my other books so I can get them done so it might take some time before the book is posted just try to be patient and I will do my best to be as quick as I can.