HELLO PASTABAKE41 NATION‼️‼️‼️ it has been nearly a year since i last posted here (literally one day off a year wtf) uhhhh so yk how this goes mcd hyperfix is coming back - yes im calling it a hyperfix me and the wife think i have autism lmao i ONCE AGAIN have the urge to rewrite twos company because i don’t like that maura has two friends (lol) and i want garmau (also having a personal garmau renaissance) wtf do i do

oh i’m also debating making the story start sooner in the diaries timeline because the level of familiarity between aphmau and maura is a lot for people who’ve known each other max a week also the name aphmau?? do i go w her actual name jess or what?? idk - maybe something closer to irene?