
oc +/X canon is phenomenal unless I’m the one writing it, that’s just how it is :p
          	no seriously don’t you ever just have a total love/hate relationship with your own freaking character (honestly even saying that is generous) sometimes 
          	like I like him as a concept but I’m currently not doing him nearly enough justice for me to care about him both as his own thing and as just another seamless part of the narrative let alone expect anyone else to
          	it feels like I’m showing up to a fine art convention with a ratty barebones sock puppet I’ve had for a grand total of 8 years and expecting everyone else to just chill with it


i’m starting to genuinely hate how little I know about this guy. Like I know one of the character traits I’ve given him is that he’s supposed to be super dodgy and secretive when push comes to shove but I didn’t think it’d be THIS bad


oc +/X canon is phenomenal unless I’m the one writing it, that’s just how it is :p
          no seriously don’t you ever just have a total love/hate relationship with your own freaking character (honestly even saying that is generous) sometimes 
          like I like him as a concept but I’m currently not doing him nearly enough justice for me to care about him both as his own thing and as just another seamless part of the narrative let alone expect anyone else to
          it feels like I’m showing up to a fine art convention with a ratty barebones sock puppet I’ve had for a grand total of 8 years and expecting everyone else to just chill with it


i’m starting to genuinely hate how little I know about this guy. Like I know one of the character traits I’ve given him is that he’s supposed to be super dodgy and secretive when push comes to shove but I didn’t think it’d be THIS bad


addendum to the last post because the Memories brainrot is palpable 
          (but that’s just because the execution is getting woven leagues better in my head lol)
          hear me out
          what if the only reason the Summoner survives the first major kill attempt with nothing but merely temporary (and yet still severe) incapacitation is because Sol specifically LET THEM
          in this essay I will-


Maturity is finally realizing you shouldn’t be still ruthlessly beating yourself up years down the line for being a cringey, uwu, digitally/socially-illiterate preteen trying to navigate the hell on earth that is the internet and making several mistakes (of ranging severity) along the way just because someone might go out of their way to dig it up and shame you for “not knowing better” or “being overly weird (derogatory)” solely because they can.
          (Like you think I DON’T already know that I’m absolutely not a perfect paragon in any capacity and have said and done plenty of stupid/concerning things before? Ha, good one.)
          Because when you actually look back into that time capsule?
          Literally everyone else surrounding you in that time period was that kind of person too and you weren’t in any way different from them. It’s just something we all grow through. 
          (…Some people better than others, admittedly…)


            Reminds me of the time I just got into the concept of shipping (aka I thought everyone would 100% agree on a pairing) and first discovered the LGBTQ+ community (aka "OOOHHH so if they were boy and girl, then it would be okay").
            Never again.


(Obviously only for people who know what I’m talking about)
          Out of the sake of curiosity, what’s your guys’ least favorite GW arc/world and/or unit batch possible and why?
          I’ll start: 
          Arc-wise and somewhat batch-wise: 
          Believe it or not, Vinyl City. 
          I know the fandom loves it to bits but no matter how hard I try I just can’t see the hype at all. 
          I feel like I was intrigued when I first played GW, but then somewhere along the way it became almost boring to me instead. Maybe cause of the sheer amount of posts I’ve seen about it compared to the rest of the game, I dunno. 
          Feels almost overrated for what it is. All the other worlds have a cool genre (ex. Fantasy, Cyberpunk) or premise they can be linked to and Vinyl is literally just…musik.
          It’s not a good thing if I’d rather hear about the Kingdom (you know, generic isekai setting) than it to be honest.
          Batch-wise (not including extra fan units):
          I can’t stand the Neon Lunatics. Mainly Cyko. 
          For some reason I’ve literally never been able to like the guy. 
          His friends I actually kinda like way more but they’re both severely overposted by the fandom and lack enough official development/lore to get properly invested in them since they don’t appear in Story.
          Unless you want to shell out legit IRL money for something of debatable writing quality to an equally debatable writer.
          (I’ve accepted that I’ll never read the GN at this point.)
          Please note that I’m not in anyway dunking on anyone who does like these ones, though. 
          They’re just not for me yet clearly.


@MatildaChao Yeah, that makes sense. Weirdly the disconnection of the Moon doesn’t seem to bother me as much as Vinyl does which is actually pretty funny in a way? 
            (Though to actually fix it? I think it’d be better if we took Naomi and Kinen out of the equation since the other three are fellow disillusioned celestial-motif goddesses and all (Sun, Stars (HC), Moon). 
            You know, something similar to swapping the worlds Cheery and Lola appear in.)
            And I mostly agree with you on the 6 Stars save for a couple. I actually kinda like the Trial Trio (that’s it that’s what I’m calling them now), but there’s two particular holiday units I really don’t like for many reasons but chose not to bring up since they’re not the whole batch. (*cough* ribbons *cough*)


            GW arc/world wise, it would be Gacha Moon for me. Again, it's too disconnected, but the characters are somewhat interesting. It's just, for the chapter you confront the creator in, I would have hoped the characters that appear had been more connected to Luni.
            Unit batch wise, honestly, I would have said every 6 star (yes, including Scarecrow Kilios), but since most of them are extensions of previously established characters, it gets a pass.
            That being said, the first row of 6 stars do not get that pass. Maybe if GV's storyline was developed, I would have grown to like them more. Starlight Ellie and Lunith? I'm neutral on.


          …I’m sorry, Lunime announced WHAT now?


            Oh yeah, it's both. More so the VN maker for me since I could just boot up PowerPoint if I really wanted to make one.


@MatildaChao Is this in reference to “GL3”, the VN maker, or both?
            (Technically I posted this around the time the former was their only new project so it’s mostly about that but yeah I’m also slightly hoping the VN thing’s a joke - we all know how the last two non-Lucas projects went, so…)


            Just found out about it too on Charlotte's Instagram...
            THEY WHAT NOW?


schrodinger’s ship: 
          awww these two are so dang precious together and basically perfect for each other and their bond is just everything and I want to see them happy together 
          (of course, ignoring certain “canon” writing decisions I’ve vetoed entirely since they add absolutely nothing of value both lore-wise and in general - aka “the council has made a decision and I deem it a stupid ass detrimental one so we’re overriding it anyway)
          but also these two are nothing but horrible for each other and I need them to stay as far apart as physically and emotionally possible for the sake of both themselves and everyone else


          It’s always every time I say I wanna do/not do something, huh?
          Anyway, still well, still trying to work out Rev. I haven’t dropped it. I have, however, dropped the prospect of posting stuff about it for a really long time, at least until I’ve worked EVERYTHING out. That still hasn’t changed from the last post I’ve made. 
          It’s a long story. Mainly related to how posting on here prematurely was actually WRECKING my progress as I rushed and forced myself to make content (even for things I didn’t quite want to or have the plans for in that moment) because engagement.
          Unfortunately I’m not exactly in the position to delete this account physically and somewhat emotionally and actually haven’t been for a while (it’s complicated) so again further pushback on that until I finally feel it’s right to. Might be in a year. Might be never. 
          We’ll see.


            Take as much time as you need to sort things out, my friend.


@Closet7_TV Haven’t seen you in a while. Thanks, and I hope the same to you. 


breaking news: local flaky drama queen still alive and mostly well :D
          also new fandom whoops
          honestly just gonna delete this account entirely because it really doesn’t represent/suit me anymore (in terms of internet presence and vibe, not fandoms, don’t worry)
          (though in all honesty my interest in GW and overall internet fandom culture/content creation as a whole has SIGNIFICANTLY dipped AGAIN in the very long time I’ve been gone (hence why I haven’t gotten around to making a GW Tumblr like I hoped I would and why I won’t make any new accounts anywhere for a while after trashing this one) I’m not sure when/if it’ll go back up again despite being relatively ok in terms of general outlook on life now sooo yeah nothing new on that front)
          im either the neurospiciest neurotypical or the most neurotypical neurodivergent alive I still don’t know what’s going on upstairs lol


i’ve said it before but seriously it feels like everything I do is just a slew of arguments with my brain in which I’m very rarely lucky and actually win is that “normal” human behavior or