I changed the cover on WIJAD yet AGAIN!!! But fear not, for this time I think it's final. Maybe. I really like this one because you can actually read the title clearly now, and it looks super clean. It's not as bright looking as the last one, by I think it will suffice.
I'm done with finals, and a huge amount of stress has been lifted from my shoulders. I should be updating regularly again, as long as I stay motivated. (bahahaha)
probably won't update WIJAD until Friday night or Saturday, because I have finals all week. If I do update it before then, it means I either 1. Delayed studying and started writing, possibly causing me to fail or 2. Actually spent my time wisely and studied and THEN wrote. Let's hope it's the latter. ((;
Ugh, Wattpad really is something. I didn't see this until now. But thank you so much! And I came again to say thanks for adding it to your reading list. :-)