
I'll try to focus on my pjo book at, but stay awake, I might update my jjk book 


Hey yallsss..... I published I new book (even though I barely update my nct oc-), so if you like Pjo and have the hots for will solace, then let me introduce you to his very hot sister

          -Your shitty author who barely updates


A little TMI besties:Tzuyu holds a record in ISAAC for being the person to have the most ten point shoots in archery. And by the most I mean every single arrow she lets go manages to score 10. But most people ignore that. ✨Tzuyu Ace✨


TMI #5: Tho TwiceTeen are good friends,Seungkwan revealed that their first meeting was extremely akward. Back in 2016,when they were backstage, they bumped into each other and Seungkwan made a weird joke, causing Jihyo to look at him funny. 


TMI #4: TWICE and SEVENTEEN are very close and there are 4 instances where they promoted at the same time. During Feel Special era, the two groups exchanged albums. 


TMI #3: Tzuyu, Nayeon and Sana are the the members who suffer from extremely short and skimpy outfits. Especially Tzuyu, as there have been multiple instances of her outfits ripping due to being 2 sizes too small or her safety shorts showing. 