What it do my peeps! Are any of y'all still here? I am curious because I have been gone for quite an extended period of time. I am talking about Sirius in Azkaban long time (I've done my waiting! 12 years of it! In Azkaban!). Anyway, I just thought I would write you a little novella of my apologies and give you an update on my life and writing status.
For starters sorry for being MIA for a very long time. Apology accepted? Yeah?Okay on to the next! In my personal life there is absolutely nothing new. I am pretty much a big ball of nothing right now. School life, well I have none at the moment. Dropped out of University for various reason (if you really want to know you can PM/DM me, but you probs don't want to know). I am trying to go back to school to get a teaching degree. My goal is to teach English in South Korea for some time, but that is getting ahead of myself (community college where I am sucks when it comes to admissions). As for writing status, I am working on a HUGE project (yes the caps were necessary). Like I am not joking, it's pretty big. So most of my time is being spent on the writing process for that book series (yeah I said series). I am hoping when its done (in like the next billion years because that is seriously how long it is taking) that I can send to a publisher and await the dreaded rejections and the hopeful acceptance. Again though, getting ahead of myself.
Yup, that is about it. I can't for sure say I am going to update anything on here... maybe I will just to get some writing juices flowing and stuff, but other than that nothing. Although, I am FOR SURE re-writing I Wear Boys Underwear. FOR SURE. It's just, you know, taking some time.
With that being said, I just want y'all to know I am alive and I am writing and I am slipping into the diamond life... I mean writing. The writing life. Yeah.
Last note: Anybody going to see EXO on their N.A Tour? I am going to the one in Dallas (hopefully).
Peace out Suckas!
Patricia Ann