hot take:
(this is directed at the sbux baristas i see making customers feel bad on tiktok)
it's totally valid to complain about your job, everyone does it and should be free to dislike aspects about the workforce, but if it gets to the point where you're complaining and consciously half-assing things just bc "i hate my job" "there's so much pressure when i see the modifications on the sticker i just get it over with"... literally shut up.
"the customer can do it themself if they want it that way so bad"- NUH UH. SHUT UP. THEY AREN'T THE ONES WHO GOT HIRED TO DO THAT, ARE THEY? you are. it's your job, you signed up for it, part of a job like that is being able to perform under pressure, and you cannot be blaming other people if you aren't able to do that. just say you're a lazy worker and move on.
you're in food service, and the key word is SERVICE. you are providing a service to people that they are paying for. so quit acting like you're being forced to do this for free with no knowledge of how it will be like. we all know you went through training for this. get your head out of your ass.