
Hey. So, I've been absent recently, as is obvious. Things have been too difficult for me to hop on and type, but I believe I've been getting a titch better with my words. However, I'd still like you to suggest things for me to write, whether they're one shots or stories, but it'd help a lot. Thanks everyone, and I'll try and update as often as I can:)


Hey. So, I've been absent recently, as is obvious. Things have been too difficult for me to hop on and type, but I believe I've been getting a titch better with my words. However, I'd still like you to suggest things for me to write, whether they're one shots or stories, but it'd help a lot. Thanks everyone, and I'll try and update as often as I can:)


Hey everyone! I would enjoy it if you checked out my other stories, and leave recommendations about what to write! Recently, I've been gone trying to work on other projects, but I've also started a few new stories. And if you want something worked in, let me know!


Srry bout the profile pic wattpad won't let me change it


@iamverydepressed Thank you so much! It's always pleasing to know someone enjoys the stuff you create:)


But I love you story's