
Happy birthday George Harrison!!! Sweetheart is spiritually with us and is 82, and the lucky boy has two birthdays technically, and his love comes to everyone (reference intended!) ❤️
          	If anyone watches my YouTube channel, YoshiSpongeGirl, regularly (which I'm much more active there, but don't worry, I'm not leaving Wattpad even if it's practically dead), you know I've been crazy with excitement! But can you blame me? It's George! I did a guitar video covering If Not for You and currently in the working on his birthday party video in the plush series! I'm experimenting with making all of their parties and cakes better and better :)
          	Happy birthday, George! Your music calms me, I love that we share a love of Monty Python, and I feel as though you've made me more spiritual ❤️


@paul_is_my_husband happy birthday George!!! Can’t ever thank you enough ️


Happy birthday George Harrison!!! Sweetheart is spiritually with us and is 82, and the lucky boy has two birthdays technically, and his love comes to everyone (reference intended!) ❤️
          If anyone watches my YouTube channel, YoshiSpongeGirl, regularly (which I'm much more active there, but don't worry, I'm not leaving Wattpad even if it's practically dead), you know I've been crazy with excitement! But can you blame me? It's George! I did a guitar video covering If Not for You and currently in the working on his birthday party video in the plush series! I'm experimenting with making all of their parties and cakes better and better :)
          Happy birthday, George! Your music calms me, I love that we share a love of Monty Python, and I feel as though you've made me more spiritual ❤️


@paul_is_my_husband happy birthday George!!! Can’t ever thank you enough ️


I think it's interesting that you chose "If Not For You" to celebrate George's birthday - I wasn't expecting that one. But it's a nice song. Another I really like from that album is "I Dig Love".
          I'm also going to play a song for George at some point and I'm doing "Rocking Chair In Hawaii", on ukulele :)


@BrianBadgerMay definitely something to consider! :)


@paul_is_my_husband yeah, I Dig Love has a lot of interesting chords, including a diminished one (which can be hard as a beginner). But Rocking Chair In Hawaii - one of my absolute favorites - is pretty easy - just three or five chords, depending on how you play it.  It would be cool if you covered either of those :) 
            Also yes, happy birthday to George  ♥️


@BrianBadgerMay yeah that's one of my favorite George songs, I really wanted to do it. That would be cool! :)
            And also as I write this still, happy birthday George ❤️


well done on yet another hilarious episode in your Beatle Plush series!! I loved, in particular, John aggressively telling the viewers they're loved, and Freddie getting more and more obvious until he's there, and John knocking Paul over. Very funny XD
          And no, I don't have a YT channel but thanks for the credit anyway! :))


@paul_is_my_husband makes sense! And yeah, it seemed like a lot of fun! I could tell :)


@BrianBadgerMay just wanted to give credit anyway! I had a lot of fun on that one! :)


hey! Some musical advice here! (I just watched the newest video about your guitar.)
          While I don't play a classical - I play acoustic and electric, here's my advice: I don't know if it'd harm the guitar, it probably isn't the best?
          And I usually use my fingers/thumb to strum. Try using your fingers instead of just your thumb (the thumb is used for the bass strings - low E and A) 
          I also use sixpence coins (yes, vintage British sixpence) but that's usually for my electric guitar. Maybe don't use a coin on a classical. 
          If you'd really like picks anyway, and can afford it, maybe try getting a ukulele? They're not super expensive (sometimes thrift stores have even cheaper ones), they're light, super easy to play (especially chords), portable, come in different sizes (for a baritone you do guitar chords, oddly enough, but the rest - concert, soprano, tenor -  have their own uke chords.) I think part of my inspiration to play ukulele is George.. and a lot of his songs work well on ukulele. Much easier than on guitar.
          About Norwegian Wood. Yes, it has a sitar on the studio recording, but it also has a 12-string guitar, which itself has a very sitar-like sound, if you were curious!


also, I recommend getting a clip on tuner (one with batteries inside) because I find it more accurate than tuning apps. But if it works for you, that's great. Just a suggestion


paul_is_my_husband that's a good point about the sound. It does look nice - another thing, I wouldn't recommend putting stickers on it. I've heard that's not great for guitars and I think it'd be hard to clean carefully.
            Yeah, thanks, it is cool. Also, you have to take the strings off to clean the guitar (not just the neck). For starting out, I'd just take it to a music shop to clean it for me. Then I cleaned it myself later on after seeing how.
            You'll get the hang of picking and strumming eventually. I found tutorials for strumming patterns totally useless, but that's just me. Playing by feel worked better, personally.
            I think it might be helpful to you to learn ukulele at the same time - learning more than one instrument can help with your other instrument (I never understood piano much until after I learned guitar!)
            Plus, the ukulele, if it's the right size for your hands, won't cramp your hands as much and they have softer strings usually :)


@BrianBadgerMay yeah, after hearing that I don't want to risk it anymore, especially after being told that for its age it's in excellent condition, not worth the risk, plus I like the authentic sound anyway and don't want to mess it up. 
            Wow! Actually amazing, never seen any British currency in my life. And yeah, after watching some tutorials for songs I want to do and plan on doing in the future, I notice that using your fingers and thumb is probably ideal...
            I really love my classical (plus it's got special meaning to me), but if I get into this more, I might channel my inner George and get a ukulele. Sounds fun too :) 


also, unrelated but related to the topic of British candy.. Have you tried Jelly Babies? 
          I really recommend them if you're not a vegetarian (as they have, well, gelatin for the jelly. The ones I've tried anyway.) 
          I personally prefer the Maynard's Bassetts brand because they're softer (and a bit sweeter). The Norfolk Mansion ones are good too, but firmer and a slightly different taste.


@paul_is_my_husband yeah, I'd rather be in England, haha. There's still so much I haven't tried, but I think the McVities (the same kind that makes Penguin) Tasties - the custard cream flavour - are really good. I recommend those. Also Penguin. Those are the best, they remind me of TimTams (Australian biscuits) :)


@BrianBadgerMay that's amazing, now I somehow need to get my hands on one of their biscuits...or just go to England haha


@paul_is_my_husband I'm not usually a fan of gelatin either, but these are different! I think I tried them for the Beatles' sake too, haha. 
            And yes, the British do make better candy in general. Also cookies (which I sometimes call biscuits, depending on what kind it is). It is a better quality and yes, technically healthier with no corn syrup, artificial colours/flavours, no/fewer preservatives. I don't feel as bad eating British sweets because I know what's in them.. :)


hey, just wondering - and I totally respect your opinions and decisions and you as an artist - do you take video ideas for the Beatles Plush Adventures series? Again, totally fine if not, the videos are entertaining with what you come up with already!


paul_is_my_husband oh, good, and thanks! :)


@BrianBadgerMay it worked, don't worry! Great ideas! :)


@paul_is_my_husband okay, I sent some ideas. Let me know if it worked for you! (I know said you'd find me but hopefully it worked)


Everybody cheer on Now and Then in its fighting battles for Record of the Year and Best Rock Song in the Grammys!! ❤️❤️❤️
          Same with John's Mind Games box set! ❤️❤️❤️
          Because if they don't, I'll be starting a riot. Free to join if you agree. Cheer on what is deserving of the titles the most! :)


Just watched the newest beatle plush episode.. I was quite surprised by the way it went - George and Ringo certainly seemed sick of it (no pun intended). 
          I also kept looking at little amigurumi Freddie and thinking he was gonna say or do something, like, encourage McLennon as if it were a show - I don't know why! XD
          Although that may just be my mind wanting a bit of a crossover with Queen/the Beatles, haha.


@paul_is_my_husband That's true! It's always fun when they're involved, and certainly great to have Freddie :)


@BrianBadgerMay haha, Freddie and the Monkee bears pop in and out sometimes! Fun to have them there too! Crochet Freddie is certainly a delight to have around :)


Hey, I wanted to say - your Beatle Plush Adventures series is rather entertaining (I mean that in a very good way, I just underreact with words to the point it sounds blunt or not the best). 
          it reminds me of when I play with the Beatles Little People (it always gets chaotic and it only got more when Linda and Yoko were added as characters XD). Also, Paul randomly bursting into song is so accurate!! I have to say, the McLennon references get me too. So overall, good job! Also, I'm John in that one part of episode 6 - "I don't really know what I'm doing, okay *awkward laughs and moves away*" XD


That's very true. Good point. And I haven't seen it around lately, which is too bad because it's tasty. But the others I've tried are good as well! But of course, there's a lot I haven't tried, like Whispa.


@BrianBadgerMay yeah I can still eat some American ones of course, but once I've had the Cadbury, there's a massive difference. I've been on the search for that one and I can't find it unfortunately, maybe one day because it sounds delicious.


@paul_is_my_husband That makes sense! And maybe I should try getting the ones I can't find in person, online. I do agree, although I eat some American chocolate.. But not much, haha! It just tastes like sugar and no flavor. My favorite at the moment (still!) Is the Dairy Milk Oreo one. That's really good. In fact, I didn't think I liked milk chocolate at all until I tried UK/Australian chocolate! And Cadbury is considered not "the best" in the UK, but it's way better than American ones!


Finally, some guitar success!

          I'm challenging myself all year to either sing or play guitar every month, and this is my first one with the proper strings for a classical guitar. Sounds a lot better now. 
          Not a pro, but I'm sure this'll help :)
          My thumb really hated me for a while the night before (haha) I got this down, yet I persisted. ❤️


@paul_is_my_husband I personally prefer steel strings over nylon, but you definitely want nylon strings on a classical guitar!!