
@youngheroes @lifeisdarkness21 
          	these are things not to be posted on message boards.


Not sure if you will see this but
          Sometimes the best thi g to do is to just go sit beside them if you can see that they are not "perfectly fine" if they will allow you to (but get permission first because it shows you value their opinion) lean into them wrap your arm around their shoulder and let them respond they may talk they may not if they break down into tears that is fine as well, they still know that you are there for them.
          Also if your friend or someone you know claims that they are tired tries to avoid eye contact buries their head into clothing or body parts go and just sit beside them as well because chances are that they may be tired but they will most likely be either silently crying whether physical or not or they could be at war with their mind.
          So always have a tiny bit of skeptism but trust us as well because we need that trust but we also need for you to see that we are not as fine as we claim to be. 


Hey, just thought you could add this to the journal... 
          One thing that I absolute loath, is when people ask you to talk to them, to tell them what's wrong or to for example if u stopped cutting, to tell them if u ever start again. What I hate is when they do that, but when u actually answer which all of us know is very hard for us to do. They don't know what to say. If you don't know what to say, if you have nothing which can help, don't ask. Because when u stop answering, or just don't say anything about it. It makes us feel even worse. 


Hey I have something to add to your suicide journal. I'm writing this because I hate it when people do this to me. 
          When someone is suicidal don't go around being inconsiderate. If you do then it makes us feel worse and just gives us another reason to want out. If you were considerate and gave us our space we would understand that you are trying not to do anything to piss us off. Now I'm not saying walk on eggshells around us because that will just make it seem like you don't want to deal with us and you are pitying us. We don't want pity. We want to be strong which is another reason we are depressed because we feel weak but we want to be strong. Just be mindful of our emotions because the more we have to hold back, the worse it hurts once we finally let it out. If we ever do. 


this message may be offensive
I'm guessing your not active anymore so Il just post here. 
          When someone is suicidal don't try to fix them, we feel crazy enough on out without you treating us like we are so we just want to feel normal. This is the way our mind works telling us to be happy doesn't help because if we knew how to stop the way our brain works trust me we would. 
          From one suicidal person to another it does get better, ul still have days were it hurts to wake up and it physically takes everything in you just to get out of bed or even just to breathe but it does get better one day you will wake up and say fuck it and you will wait for the pain to come and it won't and you will gradually just pick yourself up and start going. It's not going to be easy you might still feel alone but one day it does start to feel a little less like your already dead. 


Hey... I have something to add to your suicide journal.
          When someone is suicidal. Don't try to stop them from killing themselves.  Maybe keeping them alive will hurt more than letting them kill themselves.  Don't tell them it's wrong and that they will hurt the people who 'care' about them. Because they'll just live a life of pain. Do you want that? Do you want them to live in pain?