
Hey there everyone I’m just wondering if you have any idea for crossovers that I could possibly d with paw patrol? Let me know what Ides you have. 
          	Have a great evening 


@pawparolllover How about one with Blue's Clues?


hey  paw fans how's everyone doing? I'm good just think about you all as I'm think about new stores and cross overs to do  let me know what you went  and ill do my best to do them I might not do them but we will see   
          do what you love love what you do


hello everyone rain here. it's new yers eve I just went to take time to thank everyone who is sticking around  and reading  my  books I'm blessed and hope to continue to wisk you to another world  2021 was great but I'm excited for 2022 and more updates as we go into the new year.let me know what do went me to make a story of  and also let me know if your liking  doing what's right  I hope you have a  safe and healthy  and fun New Years  eve 
          love and happiness 