Just to clear a few things up. For those wondering why I have two accounts, it was because I feel the need to separate my writing almost. This account was created pre-junior year, and therefor a lot of the writing on it is immature and not realistic, and although I am slowly but surely editing it to where it's bearable to read, I still don't agree with the messages the majority of these stories are conveying.
I'm leaving these stories up because I know people like to read them, and I would never deny someone that right, (I've read all of the Fifty Shades Series so I can't judge), but I am just saying that I don't agree with the messages from my previous works.
My second account, @leliabronte, is kind of redo for me. Everything I believe are good qualities and characteristics of and in a character(s), and/or plot/story is written in those other books. There are few graphic scenes, (if any), and I like to propose CLEAN and REALISTIC characters in my stories on that page. The purpose of those stories is to teach lessons and have fun doing, as opposed to just trying to see how reads I can get to fuel my own greed.
*cue evil laugh*
I hope this makes sense. Ily!