Hello everyone!
I know its been a very, very long time since the last time you have heard from me, and for this I apologize. I have had a lot going on, but I assure you that I have been working super hard on the latest chapter, which will be an extra-special, extra-long chapter that is equivalent to about 7 normal chapters in the book. While I work on perfecting this chapter, and while we are in the home stretch for this book, I wanted to let you all know about a future "project" I have been thinking about.
Following the AU, I would like to write books that put the Choices books in written form, but instead of just what has been written in the chapters provided, I will be elaborating them. I will be using the provided name and look of the MC, as well as providing diamond scenes. While I will be taking the "choices" aspect of the stories out, it will be taking these already beautiful stories and making them into novel version.
On that note, I ask that if you have a specific choices series for me to write, please reply, or message me your suggestion. I am currently leaning towards Bloodbound, one that has always been a personal favorite alongside Open Heart. Thank you everyone!