
and the sequel is 46 :)


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is it bad that i want to tell people how i feel but i literally cannot? im not even talking about romantic feelings. im talking about sadness and anger and all that shit. like i put people in front of me so much to the point i have myself on auto pilot. like??? and i wrote all my feelings in a notebook n all that, my mom read it. i wrote EVERYTHING. and she only said "i hope you don't feel like that now" i mean I don't but shouldn't i of gotten a better reaction or something? or am i being selfish


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Sometimes there are questions that just dont have answers❤️❤️all i watch is.....  when youre pissing in the dark and the toilet says "more"Me: I cant beleive they are still tg after all of that shit. Friend: Who? Me: My ass cheekscool,  @®:when im down… i    .smart fella by day.... fart smella by nightdid i piss my pants  or is that just the  i have on ✅✅Excuse me mlady! I am approaching you with sexual intent! The following conversation is intended to end with my wiener in your mouthcool,  my brother just burped in my face and said "take that."@nati but ℯ :I noticed that you used “” in your comment. Just wanted to say, don’t give up anything in your life. I don’t know what you’re going through but I’m always here to help.@®:when im down… i    .Hi Gays im gonna touch you where the sun dont shine.Me: I cant beleive they are still tg after all of that shit. Friend: Who? Me: My ass cheeks