
Hey all, I'll be posting a day late this week. Chapter 4 will be posted some time tomorrow.


Well hello there beautiful people!!
          Since I dropped off the face of the earth for the last few months I would just like to say (to all that celebrate) happy thanksgiving, merry Christmas and happy new year!! It’s been a stressful couple of months but I’m making it through and I’m going to be better than ever. 
          Now I would like to mention that during my long hiatus, I have been writing. I’ve actually been writing a lot and I’ve got good news, bad news and more good news. So good news #1 is I finally finished Game of Love (yes I know long time coming) well here comes the bad news: I hate the ending and therefore, I’m rewriting it. ( I know, I know face palm ‍♀️) I’ve learned on this wild journey to become a writer that having your readers enjoy what you wrote is only half the battle. If you find no joy in what you’ve written then everything is moot. 
          That being said, while I’m rewriting the last 5 or so chapters ( I know we’re so close), I’m also working on a few other stories that I hope will be coming across your screens pretty soon. I’m working on the backstory for Camryn and Cassie, as well as Trinity and Luca. I’ve started plotting Isabella’s story too but nothing concrete yet and I’m dabbling in a paranormal romance as well as another story that came to me in a NyQuil induced dream ( I’m fighting off a horrible cold). 
          So as you can see, Word, google docs, my notebooks ( honestly any blank piece of scratch paper I get my hands on ) are very full right now and I’m hoping I can get something out for you all sooner rather than later ( I’m not even going to try to set a schedule because at this point we all know I’m horrible at it sticking to it ) but my goal is to have chapters for you before the end of the month. 
          Signing off for now and I promise to see you all really, really soon 


This is the first story i read on wattpad (PC carter carried me along from elsewhere) and i dont get impatient waiting. 


@pccarter95 It's good to hear from you. I'm sorry to hear that you've been battling a vicious cold though. I hope you feel better soon. I'm looking forward to reading the next chapters of Game of Love whenever you feel that they're ready. That story is so good that I find it easy to be patient about waiting for new posts. The high quality of your writing shows that you have high standards and that you take the time to get things just right. So do what you gotta do!


( slowly pokes my head head in through the door) Hey guys how's it going? I promise you I'm writing I swear . I'm sorry for seemingly dropping off the face of the earth never to been seen or heard from again. This message is to let you know I haven't died I've just been a very busy little writer. 
          Between finals, major papers, graduation and a host of family issues that I've been taking care of plus working full time now that I'm out of college, my biggest passion has taken a back burner. I have been writing just not in any consistent order. I have chapters that come later in the story (I can't wait to share those, y'all are going to love them) finished but the chapters that connect with what is currently going on are stuck in my head and I'm trying to get them down on paper... ehr word. 
          Any way I just got word today that I passed all my classes and will be getting my degree in September so I have time (other than when I'm working) to actually write and post like a normal person. Hopefully you don't hate me. Just know I intend to see this all the way to the end and even have a goal of trying to finish the story before the end of the summer. Wish me luck and keep your eyes peeled 
          Love y'all 


@pccarter95 Congratulations on passing all of your classes!  And congrats that you will be getting your degree in September!  It's a good feeling when hard work pays off.  Thank you for taking the time write Game of Love even while you had school and life going on.  


Woot 2 chapters in one night! Go me!!! I apologize for the delay, I recently just started my last quarter in college and I'm trying to keep my head above water with all these assignments I seem to be drowning in. 
          My time has been largely consumed by the crazy amounts of homework I have for gender, culture and math and the homework has been causing writers block as well (go figure). Any whoo I'm glad I finally got around to finishing and posting the chapters and before my birthday (Which is on Saturday) which was a huge feat for me. Hopefully I can find time to crank out the next chapter soonish for all of you lovely and patient people. Y'all are the reason I keep coming back. 
          See Ya Later