
Wow I'm relieved, now I can be proud that I earned a fan because of my poem     ヽ(^o^)丿 and I do have others but they are depressing and I'm over sad stuff, I would hate to make people cry when they read them (a guy really did (・_・;) )


Wow I'm relieved, now I can be proud that I earned a fan because of my poem     ヽ(^o^)丿 and I do have others but they are depressing and I'm over sad stuff, I would hate to make people cry when they read them (a guy really did (・_・;) )


DAY DREAMER!..Hmmm lol..not sure...ive never thought of myself as that...but I might ;)
          And I see you did reply...cough...sorry, guess my throat is acting up too....maybe we need to see the doctor :0 I hope not!


@foreverhidion3  Yup..........I feel more experienced as I survive everyday of my life.........I feel like I'm more mature.............but to be honest I feel like I'll become a grandma due to the maturity growing day by day :P ..................anyways I'm not being sweet it's just the truth.............and you think really deeply.........
          daydreamer huh..


@peacefulrebel  hey you! You have to reply to me or I'll never get your responses! lol
          I see what you are saying though. That does make it hard..ya!
          Sometimes I wonder if getting hard like we all try to avoid is just another part of know..bleh...but maybe good in a way cause it makes us grow.
          And thank for being so sweet :).