Hello all, I archived Northpass due to the subject matter at hand. I was young when I had first began writing it, and did not understand the severity of what I was writing. I do not feel that I am capable to convey this subject in a proper way. It was a really hard decision I’ve been going back and forth with for a year, and if I ever do feel that I convey the theme better I will unarchive and rewrite. I apologize as I know some of you have been waiting for an update. Morally, it didn’t feel right to me to keep it up. I wrote this book for almost three years now and feel it’s only right to let you know how it would’ve ended.
Meredith’s surgery would’ve gone well and she would’ve forgave Amelia. There was going to be a time jump to where Meredith and Derek get married and adopt Zola as well. I had these end chapters written but it’s not worth it for me to release them. I hope you can all forgive me and understand where I am coming from. I never want to overstep my boundaries as a writer and I never want to trigger people or convey something in a distasteful way.
With love and care, Alex <3