
          	'Books are a uniquely portable magic,' as said by Stephen King.


Book of the Week! (*drum roll*) DIVERGENT!
          Yes, I know I am wayyy behind the times with this one, but all my friends have always told me to read it and I thought I probably wouldn't enjoy it, as I have already watched the film (*gasp*) but I started it yesterday and was up until 3.30am reading and I finished it this morning over a cup of tea and it was insaneee!!! Such a good read, especially for teens, maybe younger teens, and definitely worth a read! It was quite an easygoing read, which I liked - as in, it wasn't full of language that I didn't understand- and the plot and story-line were really well developed and kept me interested throughout the entire book. So, if you haven't read Divergent, then get a copy and Start reading!