I decided I was going to right another chapter of My Friend John a few minutes ago.
So I started rummaging around in the chaotic pile of stuff (paper, plastic toys, earplugs, paper, card deck boxes, bead necklaces, paper, etc.) near the computer for my old Tempest script. (There's Shakespeare involved, remember?)
I found the last page of it, which is not much use to me right now because Miranda is out of the play by then. So I looked around some more and found the corner of a Shakespeare play (I knew it was Shakespeare because 1. it had names like POLIXENES and LEONTES, and 2. I've basically only ever been in Shakespeare plays), so I uncovered more stuff to look at it and realized that it was indeed... A Winter's Tale. Not exactly what I was looking for.
I then found a book, and thought "It's my Shakespeare collection!" Well, it was the right shape and size, but it was in fact The Sword In The Stone (which I started reading in January and haven't finished yet.)
Still haven't found it because I've been writing this.
I know you don't care OH MY GOD I'M NOT OUT OF CHARACTERS OH (facepalm)
I thought I was out of characters, but actually I was only half out of characters.
I feel rather stupid now, but you all know the feeling.
I'm not going to go back and rewrite it all, though. That would be stupid and tedious and this is just a silly message that nobody's going to read and my friend is chatting me on Skype.
You know, I spend a lot of time chatting with people on Skype.
Yeah.. well... anyway... I'll begin an update as soon as I find my old script. It's probably upstairs in my room.
So, now that I'm almost done spamming you, I'd like to thank you for reading this whole message. It's way longer than it needs to be but I got distracteHOMESTUCK
Yeah so, I hope you found this amusing and maybe not such a huge waist of time...?
It's really me just procrastinating on my fanfic. Also I have to write a homeschooling report, so...
Okay where is my script.