
s o 
          	rant tw//food, ed
          	ive been feeling fat lately and Ive been anorexic before, I think that I might go down that toxic hole again.... 


this message may be offensive
For some people out there.. Just because you listen to english and kpop music (as a non native) doesnt mean that the music in your own country isnt good, okay? As an indian, I think we have many good artists as well! We need to remove our attention from people like tony kakkar to let them shine in the first place. We could potentially blow up like kpop too but that'll only happen if we stop hating on bad artists and start supporting the good ones. Like you would see many roasts on tony kakkar music, but where is appreciation for a good musician? Nowhere. We only know how to criticize and now other people are taking advantage of it by gaining attention (even if it is negative) They dont fucking care because they get their fucking views and earn their fucking money. 


@kpopaddictedstudent true!! We definitely have some good artists, it's just that they get less attention because everyone is busy commenting on shitty songs


@kpopaddictedstudent ikr!!! We need to be positive about things and start appreciating artists from our countries. We have immense talent but we lack appreciation and gratitude. Only if we do that we'll capture the zenith!♡


My aunt just asked me what I write as a "story" and was really persistent about it so I told her about everything in fanfic terminology from fluff to highschool au to y/n (excluded smut because I don't wanna die). She left me alone after that :)