
and chapter one is out! the power is going haywire where i am, since theres hella sniw and we never get snow, so this was supposed to be posted yesterday hehe. hope you enjoy!


          new year’s is technically already over for me, but it isn’t for you, so i feel like this message still counts.  lmao, if you don’t think it does, then i guess you can just consider this my blatant list of compliments for you anyways :)
          i have no clue what this year would’ve been like without you, and i’m pretty glad i don’t have to!  you brought such an amazing light to my year and i hope that you have that reflected back for you this year as well!  you are nothing short of amazing and i hope that you remember that always!
          i hope we can become even better friends this year and that we have many many more awesome convos ahead of us.  i love you so so much! c:
          hoping that you have a year just as amazing as you
          -libby <3


thank you libs, ily