u would not believe ur eyes if ten million (light it up light it up now darling like it's the first day of our lives light it up light it up now it's sparkling brighter than the) fireflies
u would not believe ur eyes if ten million (light it up light it up now darling like it's the first day of our lives light it up light it up now it's sparkling brighter than the) fireflies
my guilty pleasure is that even though i love, like seriously loVE NORENMIN liKE OMG THEY'RE SO FUCKING CUTE TOGETHER
- renmin makes me happier than noren or nomin because wow such an underrated ship of two cuties
aAAAAAA idek tbh^^
well,, i do like applyfics a lotto, it’s funny how i used to think af meant “as fuck” when i came on wattpad and it does but not in fanfiction terms lmAo
currently i feel half dead because i fell asleep at 6pm and it's 2am at the moment and my homework is incomplete but i'm too lazy to move from the living room so i think i'm gonna get scolded instead of doing homework-
pe is the first lesson tomorrow ima cry.