
Hello, for the readers of the recommended book. 
          	Kindly check the comment if you can't access the author's profile because sometimes they changed their username and stuff.  There'll be so many readers in the comment section will help you find the new username of the author and I appreciate that! Big thanks to you all <3
          	Hope you all have a great day


Hello, for the readers of the recommended book. 
          Kindly check the comment if you can't access the author's profile because sometimes they changed their username and stuff.  There'll be so many readers in the comment section will help you find the new username of the author and I appreciate that! Big thanks to you all <3
          Hope you all have a great day


Yammm ini kamu??


@ laveeta  wkwkwk mencoba tuk biasa yam


Hello my fellow readers! ✨
          First of all, maaf banget belom up chapter baru karena baru selesai liburan  tapi jangan khawatir karena chapter baru lagi on progress dan baru 50% jadi,
          Big thanks untuk pembaca Her Alpha King yang udah buat ceritaku masuk list ranking  masih inget banget aku pesimis ga ada yang baca ceritaku walaupun udah beberapa tahun berkarya di platform ini. 
          Makasih untuk 27k+ pembaca dan juga voters yang udah bantu aku ✨
          Merry Christmas untuk pembaca diluar sana yang merayakan natal tahun ini 
          Best Regards,