
69 followers aye ;)


@Dreamwald it's okay ken! One does not just need to write about heart breaks! Write about yourself, your feelings what you feel when you see something, write something metaphorical, something for your fans who are going through stuff! Connect and really open your eyes! 
          Congratulations! You've moved on from a heartbreak! This just opens up so many new possibilities for you and so many things to explore and write about !
          And CHRISTMAS IS HERE. AAAHHHH YAYYY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU TOO ( i don't really celebrate it, but I go around with my friends and family celebrating it bc in my family all of us are always open to discovering new cultures and learning about other cultures and religions Nd all that stuff)
          So MERRY CHRISTMAS! :) it's Christmas Eve now here idk what it is where you live so I'm sorry if the timing is inaccurate :)


Notice: Okay everyone, so I will be deleting two of my stories,both my fan fictions because literally I suck at writing fanfics :P.
          But also because I really want to focus on my original story and my rants book. Maybe I might do fanfics if you guys request me to, but i don't really know for sure, maybe if I get enough inspiration and all but I'm so sorry, I just really want to make one book and I want to make it like really nicely written and all and I thought that why not start with my original book where I can have the freedom to kind of portray my own characters. 
          So uhh yeah! But please do let me know if you want me to make fanfics, if so then I will try for you guys to manage :)


Message to my readers (I have very less,but ahh well, idk) : 
          Okay, so I know I have been slow with updating, but I am thinking of an update schedule. And these next two months you guys will be getting extra updates, idk, maybe two-three a day? Sorry I really have nothing to do and I don't start my new school until September or October so yeah! 
          I literally have nothing to do so ill just update! :D 
          But I think you should scratch the idea of a routine because well, I don't work well with due dates unless its something for school in which I don't really have to give my full effort but as much as I can, but in my updates I'd like to give you guys my full effort because you guys are cooperating with me so much! :) 
          So yeah guys, thanks for listening and I assure you that there will be more updates and possibilities of new books :)