It's me, again, coming back to let you see how much I've failed in the terms of finishing my fic and uploading it for you. I just have no will to write fanfiction anymore, I suppose, and I'm sorry to have let all of you down. I want to start pages to work towards my bigger writing goals; things outside of fanfiction. But, building a new fanbase, that's something that takes so much work and I've barely built one here. This is a ramble I bet you didn't intend on seeing today, and you probably didn't know if you'd be hearing from me again, these are just my thoughts lately. Thank you for reading this, if you did

@peachykuk Don't worry! I hope you achive your writing dreams! The fact that your fanfictions have so many reads, its proof that your writing is amazing! I have the same problem with my fanfiction lately T_T