
Got stoned and felt the urge to write. It's currently 2:19am but my phone is dying so I'll only be able to publish it this afternoon hopefully. I got to do the cover and perhaps some drafts in my notes lol. I hope you guys like it <3 


Got stoned and felt the urge to write. It's currently 2:19am but my phone is dying so I'll only be able to publish it this afternoon hopefully. I got to do the cover and perhaps some drafts in my notes lol. I hope you guys like it <3 


i read this book. it's a love story, really cute. and it's also heartbreaking. i'm still sobbing, i have my own iris and i'm scared of letting him go. i'm scared that i will forget him. i don't want to move on from him.
          anyways, if you guys read the book then you will understand what i'm saying.
          the book is called "Melting Zane" by VerseSeh if i'm correct. do check it out. it's an amazing book.
          and i also wanted to leave a small note for my iris. 
          i miss you so so much my sweet boy. i hope you're watching over me ️


Hey peeps! So I was think about changing 'Only His' into a werewolf romance :) Please do tell me what are your thoughts about that <33


@peachyy_ella of course you deserve it!! 


@lysssbaby thank you so much for all your support, i really appreciate it <3


@peachyy_ella I think that’s an important part of the story, it shows their relationship. I think it’s because you’re reading your own writing that happens to me too. Go with what feels right, I think it’s an amazing story so far 


Thank you for adding The Devil's Looking Glass to your reading list! Book two, Angel's Silhouette, in the Distorted Windows Trilogy is now available as well. 
          Book three, Double Reflection is now being published on Wattpad with regular updates!!
          Thank you for your interest, I truly hope you enjoy it ❤ 


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better ❤️