Hello! I’ve been looking for this book it’s about Tommy Shelby‘s daughter. The best way I can describe it is that she’s like half Jewish and her mother was like one of Tommy’s loves from the past. He does everything he can send her away but it’s finally time for her to come back home with him and Grace and Charlie. He’s not like really happy with her or proud of her he’s more of like I guess somewhat shameful of her but he knows he loves his daughter. Grace doesn’t like her at all but she just tolerates her because you know that’s Tommy’s daughter. She doesn’t like Charlie at all she said a lot of messed up stuff to him in about him. The family is like indifferent about her it’s like a they like her but like they don’t want her around. If anyone knows this book please contact me or DM me or respond to this. I also think the book was originally called razor blades but I’m not completely sure and when I look it up it doesn’t come. The pictures like the wallpaper it was like a blonde chick her eyes were like crossed out or like glowing??? In the background I think was black white and pink not completely sure but I think it was somewhat similar to that. Again I hope somebody can respond to this or DM me. I don’t wanna lose this book it was so good and I loved it.