5 facts about me, tagged by @divergentlover_ thanks by the way!
1. I absolutely love anything and everything purple, it's obviously the best color! (DONT HATE ON MY PURPLE)
2. Anyway, I have a tree in my backyard that I like to sit on and write and/or read. I mean, we all have that place right?
3. I absolutely love nature, its so naturally beautiful and it just amazes me that God made something so beautiful.
4. I'm not very popular, but if popular meant having tons of friends then I would be genuinely popular, not just because of money or something.
5. I love long road trips with friends, it's so much fun cause you are never bored.
I loved doing this and I know you will too!
So, I tag @penny_girl4 @hybrid518 @AvaMW2015 and @luna_meadows
Have fun!!