
Next chapter of Fresh Meat coming out tomorrow! :)


This is very late but Merry Christmas everyone!! And to those who don't celebrate, happy holidays! I hope you all had a great day spending time with your loved ones <3
          Chapter Six of Fresh Meat will be out soon! Probably not before the end of this year, but we'll see :)


IT IS THE SPOOKIEST DAY OF THE SPOOKIEST MONTH!!  (for those that understand that reference, gold star for you)
          Happy Halloween everybody!! Whether you're trick or treating, or just staying at home, I hope this year's halloween is just as memorable as last year's. Have a spooky night and make sure to eat lots of sweet treats <3 


Hello everyone! In case you didn't the notif, I just posted the first chapter of my new book Fresh Meat! Go check it out and let me know what you think!
          And as for the uploading schedule, I don't really know. School is coming up really soon for me, so I'll be busy and not really have time to post anything. So new chapters will probably be uploaded during the weekends when I have time.
          Until then, take care! 


Hi guys! It's been a while. I just wanted to say that I will be posting the first chapter of my new book soon!! I can't wait for you guys to read it. I've spent so much time preparing for it and I couldn't be more excited to share it with you all. 
          Until then, keep an eye on my profile ;) 
          See you all until then!
          - Pebble


I would just like to wish everyone a late happy New Year! i hope 2022 was a great year for everyone. If not then I hope 2023 will be better for you :)
          one of my resolutions this year is to get back into writing more, and I plan to follow through it. School is starting up again pretty soon for me but I promise to start posting my stories here as often as I can, so I hope you'll stick around for that.
          that's all I have to say. Again, have a happy new year and good luck with your resolutions if you have any!
          Have a great day and stay safe :)
          - Lexi


Hello hello! I have a new update regarding my stories! Well, one of them. 
          I was thinking about all the stories I'm planning to write when I suddenly remembered one specific story. It's called "Fresh Meat". I promise the story is more interesting than how the title sounds.
          I was excited to write this one when I planned the plot. But as I kept thinking about it, I realized that it has WAY too big of a plot (and a few subplots here and there) to fit into one single short story. This brings me to my announcement!
          I'm turning it into a full-fledged book! Yep, I figured it would be a lot better that way because if it was written as a one-shot then it would probably be rushed, and I don't want that. 
          I'm thinking this book as like an introduction to my characters. We get to see who they are, how they think, and what their lives are like as they try to survive their first year of high school. And all while trying to maintain their friendship. 
          Of course it's gonna be a comedy. 
          Oh and as for the other stories, I'm still gonna write them, but after I write "Fresh Meat". Think of it as one-shots of their adventures. To me it sounds better than my original plan, so thank you, brain, for coming up with this great idea so late at night.
          I can't wait to start writing this book. I'll still update you guys on my progress! I do have midterm exams next week so I'll definitely be busy. But once winter break starts, I'll definitely start working on the book.
          That's all I have to say. Hope you guys are having a great day and stay safe! Peace out!


Hi hi, i'm back!! Still alive thankfully. I just wanted to make an important announcement.
          I've spent a long time (bout a year or so) working on a bunch of stories about twelve OCs that I created. Its up until now that I decided to post the stories here! On Wattpad! I'm very excited and I hope you guys love my characters as much as I do. I love these guys so much. 
          I do wanna make a disclaimer here: There's no main plot or so to this. It's just a bunch of short stories about them. So think of it like it's a TV show. That's what it'll be like basically. I just hope you guys will still like it even if it's not what you were expecting. I'll explain it more clearly later.
          I still have a lot more work to do on this before I post the stories on here, so it'll take some time. Like probably a long time, so please be patient with me. sorry that I've been gone a while, I've kinda been going through some stuff regarding school recently. I'm working on it though!
          also, if you're wondering about my other works, they're still on hold. I've kinda lost interest in writing them ever since I started this project so I don't know if I'll continue them. They were still fun to write.
          Anyway, that's all I have to say. I will try to post announcements regarding updates on this project, so stay in your seats. 
          See you peeps later and stay safe! Peace! 
          (oh, and as for the title? you'll find out soon enough ;) )