Hello all.
After a series of feedbacks, I've come to the conclusion that a chapter's separation into three parts may have been uncalled for. Nor, from experience, would such a thing be found in published works.
As such, I decided to readjust the chapters of Internal: Viperpath from scratch into just one part. Feel more workable that way too, considering that most readers would be on their phones and that longer chapters might turn them off (looking at you @Torkuda).
For those readers that's been sticking around despite this odd format, I can only thank you all and apologize if that had been a source of inconvenience. Meanwhile, for those still trying to catch up, no worries- this change won't be reaching your currently-read parts anytime soon; you might still enjoy the tale and no probs. Just know that it's gonna get JUST a little different when next you take a peek.
Ranted long enough, have I? Cheers ^