I was born in eastern Tennessee and have spent my life moving around the east coast of the United States, first as a child, and then as the wife of a USCG C-130 navigator. This gypsy lifestyle, although not always easy, has provided me with many beautiful memories and enduring friendships. 

My sweet husband and I have three children, two boys, and a daughter. They are the loves of my life-each one as unique and different from the other as a fingerprint. Much healing has come from living alongside and loving these four incredible people.

I was born to be a teacher, and it is a job that has fed my soul for the last ten years of my life. I do not plan to give it up, but the call to write this book whispered in my ear for a long, long time. I enjoy writing, and I hope that you enjoyed what I chose to write. I do not know if writing will one day become my career, but for now, I am content to write in the summers when school is out. What comes of it-time will tell, I always say.

My favorite things to do in my spare time are read, write, take long walks, and practice yoga to clear my mind. I have loved raising my children, and now that they are older, I savor the impromptu fleeting chats with our prickly teenagers. Life certainly moves quickly, and I find myself wanting to go back to relive special moments in the past. I, of course, know this is not possible, but I still long for a chance to do some things again. Perhaps this is why I am drawn to writing YA fiction and Sci-Fi, those kids have their whole lives ahead of them!

I hope you enjoy my books and that life is treating you well. I plan to write more books, eat birthday cake and live well in between. Drop me a line @ penelopejbristolwrites.com or @ twitter.com/BristolPenelope, I would love to hear from you.

All my best~Penelope
  • USA
  • JoinedJune 22, 2020
