
hello, my dearest readers,
          	so...I've just published my new book 'Salty Kisses And Surfboards - A Baxter Radic Story' on AO3 and I'd love it, if you find reading on AO3 better, please give it a shot. The book will still be available on Wattpad. And reading on AO3 is free as well. 
          	new chapter will be updated on both the platforms as soon as they are written. 
          	anyways, hope you all enjoy my books. 
          	all my love. 


hello, my dearest readers,
          so...I've just published my new book 'Salty Kisses And Surfboards - A Baxter Radic Story' on AO3 and I'd love it, if you find reading on AO3 better, please give it a shot. The book will still be available on Wattpad. And reading on AO3 is free as well. 
          new chapter will be updated on both the platforms as soon as they are written. 
          anyways, hope you all enjoy my books. 
          all my love. 


hello, my dearest readers,
          I'm here to announce the publishing of my new book 'SALTY KISSES AND SURFBOARDS ~ A Baxter Radic Story ~'
          it's based on the Netflix show "Surviving Summer" and will follow the plotline of season two with Baxter Radic as the Main Male Lead.
          Introductions, playlists, Characters and the first two chapters have already been published. So please go and check it out. 
          I hope you all like it. 
          all my love.


Hello my dearest readers, 
          Two new chapters of "SURVIVING THE WAVES~JJ MAYBANK s3" have been published. 
          I've been notified that the notifications aren't popping when a new chapter is posted. So I thought I'd post up a note here. 
          Check out the chapters. Be sure to tell me how you liked it in the comments. 
          Don't forget to vote and spread your love. 
          Enjoy the adventure :)
          All my love. 


Hii my loves... 
          So sorry for not updating any new chapters on "SURVIVING THE WAVES~JJ MAYBANK s3" 
          I was out on a family trip/function and it took too long and I was constantly busy and couldn't write any new chapters... 
          I'm back home now and I'll be getting back on task and writing a new chapter today... 
          Hopefully the chapter will be yours by tonight. 
          Stick around. Sorry for being late. 
          ALL MY LOVE.


hello my loves,
          so, when I opened Wattpad yesterday morning, there was THE prefect Christmas present waiting for me. 
          'CATCHING THE WAVES~ JJ MAYBANK s1 &s2' has surpassed 100K reads and views and I seriously can't believe it. 
          It means a lot to me that everyone loves my books so much. And I love each and every single one of you for reading it and loving it and voting it.
          Thank you so much for the best present. 
          new chapters of JJ and Rory's story in s3 (book 2) 'SURVIVING THE WAVES~ JJ MAYBANK s3' are on your way. don't forget to check them out. 
          Merry Christmas and happy boxing day to everyone who celebrates. 
          all my love.


Hello my lovely readers. 
          CATCHING THE WAVES~JJ MAYBANK is officially over with season two. 
          Book 2 of the series that will follow JJ and Rory on their journey in season 3 has been published. 
          "SURVIVING THE WAVES~JJ MAYBANK s3" has been updated.
          Exerpt, character aesthetics, playlist and teaser has been posted.
          Go and check it out.
          New chapters of our pogue family on POGUELANDIA will follow soon.
          All the love.


this message may be offensive
          So I watched OBX s4 part 2 like two days ago. But... I just couldn't wrap my head around the ending we got. 
          Honestly saying I'm pissed and fucking angry. 
          After everything JJ's been through, that's not the ending he deserved. After the fake  dad 'Luke' and his abuse for years on end, and then finally finding his real dad to also have him trying to kill JJ more times than one and in the end.... Him really killing JJ... 
          It's twisted and unnecessary and it's not cool. 
          After all that happened, with Luke and then Chandler Groff, it'd have been way better to give him some peace and happiness in the end, instead of him AGAIN sacrificing himself and dying. 
          JJ was one of the main characters in the entire show. And this was HIS season, which means he really was the main character this time around, and that's not the end that we expected. 
          Coming around to talk about my JJ Maybank book.... I'll continue to write s3. But I'm seriously considering not writing S4. 
          JJ and Rory have something so special and that love is something that I created from the deepest part of my heart and I can't ruin it by killing off my main lead. Or anyone really. 
          I'm still open to trying to write it... And maybe after a while, I can figure out a loop hole around JJ's death for a finale for S4. I'll try my best, because as much as I hate the ending, I really loved S4 It was beautiful. (With all its plot twists, yes)
          So... I can't promise anything right now about the fact that I'll be writing S4 or not... But I'm NOT ruling out the possibility completely. 
          I'll try something. Ill figure out a light and happy ending for JJ and Rory and all the pogues. I'll figure it out. I won't kill JJ off. My book was and always will be a safe space and I won't be ruining that. 
          With love. Please stick around till I announce s4. 


@okaymaybanks thank you for saying Rory is your favourite, means a whole lot to me, luv 
            Anyways, what you put into words is exactly what I mean. John b is not left to live and grow old without his childhood best friend and it's so sad that they had gone through that. JJ just didn't deserve the end he got. He deserved a happy ending. A win. Peace to finally know that he was free and happy and could live his life  without the burdens that he always carried... 
            I will never kill him off. I promise that you and to all my readers. I'll try my best for the S4 ending. 


@penguinbaby1864 thank you oh my gosh. I've been thinking about my book I'm writting and I just don't know how I am supposed to write season 4. I will never ever ever kill JJ off in any book I write. I can not believe the killed him. After everything he's been through. I can't. Because now John B feels what JJ felt except he buried him so he has to live with the fact that he seen JJ's body. UGHHH I could go on such a long rant about this. P4L. Rory is my favorite O/C ever btw.


          I just binged watched OBX4 part 1. And I am... Speechless. 
          I can't even put into words how thrilling the new season is!!!!! 
          I already have so many crazy plots and idea ready for my book after I finish season 3 and all that is...
          But like, SMASHHHHHH!!


this is probably pushing it but please make my day and say your writing season 4 of outerbanksss


@AceYo123 aww luv that's great. I hope you enjoy writing your book and people enjoy it too... I'll make sure to add it to my reading list and check it out too  and as for any pointers.... Well just try and keep the essence of the pogues in the book keeping it casual and all cuz we all know how the first season was so fun and laid back until things started to get intense and dark...
            And thanks for loving my book and being on this journey with JJ and Ro. 


yayyy thank you i’m so excited, i’m writing one of my one jj fanfics because a lot of people stopped writing, do you have any pointers for me? and also i love Jj and Rory xx


@AceYo123 I will continue Rory and JJ's story over the fourth season. You don't need to worry. Once the entire season's out with the second part in November and I've watched it and stuff...I'll start planning the plot for the 4th season. I'm sure I'll still be writing season three when s4 comes out, but I will be writing season four.