It's me, yours truly. Anyway, I wanted to make an announcement. So, I had just taken down one of my stories and have barely updated my other story. I'M SO SORRY! I'm trying to get back on track, really, from the crazy, crazy schedules I've had over the past two months.
Dramoine will get updated soon! (Hopefully...very soon) THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT AND THE PATIENCE! It means so much to me when I see all of your encouraging comments and notes. I really want to reach out to all of you! Like I said, I'll be dedicating, so if you find a message on your profile, please reply immediately!
Also, what's taking up my time is a new story! Like I said, I had taken down my other one for many reasons, which will be explained in the new story (author's note) I really don't know when I'm posting this one, so I'm still taking my time on the plot and other things like that. This story is also going to be written in a different way, so I'm testing it out to see what happens!
Thanks for everything! It means so much to me that y'all are waiting (love you all dear dramoine readers!) I hope I can satisfy you soon!