
My second poem collection is ready to post. It's been a week since I decided to upload here but I just can't. Had to stopped writing on the 24th poem 'cause I kinda feel blue. It's about self-reflection, for self-awareness, and it should, somehow, radiates positivity. I can't give what I don't have right now. I don't have enough positivity, so I can't just function as of the moment.


My second poem collection is ready to post. It's been a week since I decided to upload here but I just can't. Had to stopped writing on the 24th poem 'cause I kinda feel blue. It's about self-reflection, for self-awareness, and it should, somehow, radiates positivity. I can't give what I don't have right now. I don't have enough positivity, so I can't just function as of the moment.


October 11, I posted that I will edit Chasing Dreams but it didn't happen lol.  Anyways, I have already a plan for a new story to write these 2 weeks of of break lmao. I'm going to cease in using my FB for a while and busy myself to write this story. I will publish it on January and I beg for your support. Love you and God bless.


I really want to publish a story about gender discrimination, environmental problems, and other problems that may possibly occur on the next century. And the woman traveled back to 80's by the means of microchip (a time traveling machine) or through blackhole (I read an article about this, I'm inspired though) and make things right for the future. Binibini with a big mission, and somehow find her Ginoo. Please give me some opinion so that I can write it soon.