I'm thinking about making a book solely dedicated to writing advice/tips. No rants this time. (Sorry to everyone who finds my aggressive pessimism humorous.) Anyways, what do you guys think? I'm pretty excited to do it because a lot of you come to me when you need help with your novels. As much as I'd love to work with you all one on one, I feel that having an entire book for you to refer back to would be easier. Obviously, I'm not a professional but I've been writing for a VERY long time and have picked up on a few things over the years. There won't be too many technical things I'll write about because it's not my place to talk about things like publishing, whether or not your writing is good, etc. It will all be very simple, straight forward tips but they WILL help you! (:

@pennyroyaltears Please do. I found your book very helpful for improving my writing. Thanks!