
It's been almost a year since I've written anything but I have to say that most of the work came from my beta who I couldn't have done anything without, she made all my covers and now she has surpassed me in reads which I am so proud of her like go off girl. If you like miraculous and dc crossovers please go check out her account cause sadly I have decided to stop writing for good it was a hard choice but I've decided my major after going through a year undecided, I'm going for oncology. Hopefully, I'll see y'all around someday on some sort of profile but go flood @zambie_rocky with votes and reads her books are amazing.


It's been almost a year since I've written anything but I have to say that most of the work came from my beta who I couldn't have done anything without, she made all my covers and now she has surpassed me in reads which I am so proud of her like go off girl. If you like miraculous and dc crossovers please go check out her account cause sadly I have decided to stop writing for good it was a hard choice but I've decided my major after going through a year undecided, I'm going for oncology. Hopefully, I'll see y'all around someday on some sort of profile but go flood @zambie_rocky with votes and reads her books are amazing.


Someone gave me the idea to put my account up for grabs. Anyone who wants to write on this account can message me but there are a few rules
          1.) there are already people that have access to this account so do not change the password
          2.) you have to put your account on anything you write
          3.) you can not change anything on the account like the background, name, tag, or picture without explicit permission
          4.) no creating new stories without permission you can continue stories if you would like but they have to be chapters under your name
          If you are interested please contact myself or my editor @zambie_rocky


Guys, I have an announcement...
          I am quitting writing for a while. I don't really have any motivation for my stories and I have to focus on getting into college next year so I might update every now and then but things won't be as lively as they used to.
          It was an honor to write for you guys.
          -Penny Palton


            It’s ok
            If you don’t feel like writing don’t......
            I really liked your books though
            I’m sure you’ll do a great job in college !!
            It’s been an honour reading your books
            Hope you stay safe!


If you guys could pick a book to continue would it be:
          Everybody Loves Grayson 
          Team of Titans


@penpal2626 Yeah you know the book that I finished and now have to update and also make new covers and write on other profiles (totally not salty)


@DCr3ativ3Abomination The First chapter of the new story is up. It's confusing cause it is on the story team of titans but it's titled as chapter one and has a different cover.


WhaT? You saw that there was going to be an update to my Henry Danger story!!!!!??????? That's crazy... you're crazy... okay fine I'm updating that story soon but only because I feel like it. It has nothing to do with the show ending and me being sad and needing something to keep me happy and occupied for a while. 
          Also, guys guess what... TEAM OF TITANS IS FINISHED! WOOOOOOOO! Go check out that wonderful finished book and I'll see you guys in the fics! Peace out!


Absolute hell this past month. Update schedule is out though right now.
          Good Cop Bad Cop: every Monday
          Team Of Titans:  every Tuesday
          Welcome to Riverdale: every Tuesday
          Three Rules: every Wednesday
          Guess They Were Right About You Two: every Thursday
          I also have a new book coming out that will be updated every Wednesday when it starts up. 
          Some of the books on the list are newer and some are older and have almost run their course. So be on the lookout for when they say completed and binge the whole thing or wait with anticipation for the next chapter with others.


Anyone have an ex that you just can't stop thinking about? You're just so upset about what happened so you look at their picture and burn everything they ever gave you as you cry.  I can't do it anymore, Jake just hurt me so much, I don't believe in love anymore. I thought that I could do it but it's just so hard to move on from someone that you love so much. Why does everything have to be so hard? I texted him and he didn't respond, he broke up with me over text saying that I was;t putting enough effort into him, how was I supposed to do anything if he would never respond but for the longest time I blamed myself. That's not happening anymore. 
          Tell me your story, I want you to vent about the worst breakup that you've ever had. Makes me feel so much better to vent to people who care.


this message may be offensive
@Zambie_Rocky Awwwwww, that fucking sucks Zambie!


@penpal2626 My best friend broke up with me after I took him to a concert for my birthday. He said that he had deeper feelings for me that I wasn't reciprocating and got upset about that and he said that he couldn't be friends with a stranger. It hurt. My mom texted him and he never responded. I want three years of my life back because if anyone was the stranger it was him. I went to see so many movies with him. He met my entire family yet he would never talk about his parents. I felt so stupid and through all of that I felt like I had no one that cared about me. I was so dumb and thought that things were working out. I guess not. Sadly not the first time this has happened. I knew nothing about him and hell didn't even know his favorite color.  Crying didn't really help but talking about it made it like ten times better venting was the best. He made me feel something that I hadn't felt in years, depression. He made me cry for the first time in a long time. I saw it coming but over text is never a way to break anyone's heart. He felt something deeper for me and I just didn't feel the same way that's just how it works when you're a girl in a man's world I guess. I wish him well and all of the happiness in the world and hope that he doesn't do the same cause there is no way in the world that I will ever be happy when I'm alone.


New birdflash story preview!!!!!!
          Dick was the kid that everyone wanted to be and everyone wanted to have. Wally was lucky enough to get a taste of a life with him. 
          “If we’re going to do this, I have three rules,” Dick said looking at Wally. 
          “Shoot away pretty boy,” Wally said with his arm resting on a table with his hand holding up his head. 
          “One is no matter what happens we are going to be friends. Two, neither of us are going to get upset if the other gets a partner. Three is you can never and I mean never fall in love with me,” Dick said In a serious tone. 
          How hard could it be?