
no update tonight sorry


Okay okay I have decided on schedule for the next few weeks, after August 5th I don't. I'm going to update at least one story every other day, if I have delays I will let you know and I'm going to do prewriting and try to post more and more. For the people who read more than Adopted by Jacky and Ronnie Radke fell for me, like I said one story every other day so I'm going to switch it up. I also have a new non fanfic idea so when I have a few extra minutes I'm adding to that, I'll let you know when that's up. All I know is that it's going to be a one pov love story. Another thing I want to say is that ALL my stories are now one pov, the main characters pov. When I'm writing with other people I like having different pov's because they can get written differently. Completely unrelated I just opened a blue powerade thinking it was a blue raspberry cherry one and it's not its the normal  blue so I'm sad. Back to the point I didn't know where I was going last night and I just kinda typed. Both chapters were random but I really like the Jakcy one, my Ronnie chapter was just kinda a foreshadowing one and I can say that right now that will be up soon but I know not tomorrow, because I need to think that out and edit it and make it right, that's my beginning child and I have been neglecting her lately so after prewriting tonight she is top priority. The next two updates are going to be Daddy Please? and probably Victor Vincent because I love that one. Also can someone LMK how according to the notifications on my phone Ronnie Radke fell for me went up -247?  Like how WATTPAD LMK. Also it's 12:54 right now, I haven't started prewriting and editing a chapter to post tomorrow, and I have to be up at 8. I already want coffee. Okay just thought I'd share all that!


Every time i say im going to update more i never do and i feel awful for that im going to try to update my old stories as much as i can and i also plan on starting a new story but im not sure if its going to be a fanfic or not yet... i really love writing but i genuinely didnt think people still read my stories still i just logged on to see that Ronnie Radke fell for me? has been read by 6.1k and that amazes me and gave me the motivation i need to keep writing so i know for right now im taking a break on a few of my stories but the more well known ones im going to update as much as possible and ill slowly start adding to  the other ones but right now Ronnie Radke and Jacky are going to be updated more and more please leave comments (i read them all) and also message me ill answer!!!!!! i love you guys


okay okay so i go back to school in a little over a month so this year i have decided that im going to put myself on a schedule but tonight im going to write at least a chapter on at least 3 stories and post them tonight then hopefully write more to update on later so i can be ahead of the game im determined to keep writing because all thats been happening to me lately and im just going put my mind and heart into these stories as much as i can and im sorry for all the broken promises and i really do live writing the stories and seeing the views go up and up. Now im going to go down memory lane i wrote a few chapters if Ronnie Radke Fell For Me with a friend until things stopped working, then i had a hard time so i logged off for a while and that was back when i had 50 views and 25 were me or people i told to read it, now i look almost everyday and see that number go up and up and i love that people love it and want to read it... i feel like it took so long to get to 1K and i feel like that was yesterday and now its at 4.05K and thats crazy to me  but back to the point im back and i mean it this time i swear.
          <3 skyy


Okay, okay, okay so I've been super busy and I like writing most on my laptop so I haven't been able to lately. But now I have a new iPad for school and a cool case that makes my iPad basically a laptop and I love it! So for the next like 2 weeks before school I'm going to be writing as much as I can. I'll write some this weekend but it won't be posted until Sunday night or Monday afternoon because I won't have wifi. But during the school year due too cheerleading and dance I'll only be posting on Mondays and Sunday's unless I find time to write in my schedule. Also I'm still looking for co-authors. Love y'all <3