PLAGIARISM IS A CRIME. Goodness!! SMFH!! I believe you owe @msyellowpixie an apology, because as a fan and supporter of her works, I feel bad for her. She was definitely devastated to see that her work, ONE MORE YESTERDAY was plagiarized! TO ALL ALDUB FANS (OR NOT): THE BOOK ONE LAST TIME THAT YOU'RE ALL A FOND OF, IS ACTUALLY A COPIED WORK OF ONE MORE YESTERDAY, A KATHNIEL FANFIC. Hate to break it to you, but I wouldn't be surprised if you get a lot of hate for your actions. It sickens me that you would even do such a thing, and expect that no one will find out?! I hope the consequences you'll have to pay for this can knock some sense into that head of yours. I hope you don't plagiarize other authors' works too, because if you do, I suggest that you erase those stories and just get your sorry @ss out of wattpad. Another option would be just sticking to being a reader, because you know what? Maybe writing just isn't your forte. PLAGIARISM IS DISGRACEFUL AND PATHETIC; that moment you posted the first chapter of "your so-called story, one last time" proved to me that pathetic and disgraceful is the type of person you want be.