
I have updated One Day, if you want to go check that out :)


Keep up the great work... But don't worry your story will come to you and you will finish it and wonder what all the fuss was about as you are a very talented writer...
          Just take the ideas as they come to... A masterpiece is best taken slowly... 
          It will make more sense as a reader and as a writer...
          Enjoy it, don't let it rule your life... You are the one with the pen as it were... You are the one with the ideas... You rule it not the other way round...
          It is you and you are it... But it definitely shouldn't rule your life...
          Anyway Keep up the great work...


 Oh well school must come first obviously. I just wondered as I only saw one story and wondered whether you were going to write any more.
          It really great how talented teenagers and young kids too are at writing.