chapter 20 notes: (i suggest you read this to clear some things up in the story):
- The ‘Confederacy’ in this story is not referring to that Confederacy; it is referring to the Old Swiss Confederacy, which was basically a past not-so-neutral form of Switzerland. Besides, I didn’t want to write “Swiss Confederacy” and thought “Confederacy” sounded more fit.
- John Calvin in the story was a real person. He was actually the first person to start this sect of Protestantism, called Calvinism. People couldn’t dance, sing, play cards, or even wear fancy clothes. His beliefs, however, spread throughout all of Europe, with only three countries being the ones I mention (Switzerland, Netherlands; try to guess the last one!).
- I don’t use the Gregorian calendar in this. Why? Prussia didn’t adopt the calendar until 1700 (though some non-Protestant states adopted it in 1610), the Swiss sort-of adopted it in phases lasting until 1701, and the Netherlands didn’t fully adopt it (some states waited until 1701 lmao) until 1701. The date of the story is during the 1500s, and 1600s, so it wouldn’t make sense to use the Gregorian calendar this early.