
Sup, it's me. In the flesh. I wanted to let you guys know that I got some inspiration on my neshots story. Once I finish it, I'll post it and you guys can tell me how you like it! Also please, please, please, give me feedback. I enjoy hearing about you guys' opinions! I care about everyone a lot. aI also care about what you have to say. It it's a compliment, thank you. If it's a concern I'll help. If it's criticism, lay it on me. I"m ready to answer you guys' questions or any suggestions you want to give. Heck, I'll even take ideas! I'm a bit out of inspiration so anything, even if it's small will help! I love you all, please stay safe and healthy!
          	*Pardont eh bad grammar*


Sup, it's me. In the flesh. I wanted to let you guys know that I got some inspiration on my neshots story. Once I finish it, I'll post it and you guys can tell me how you like it! Also please, please, please, give me feedback. I enjoy hearing about you guys' opinions! I care about everyone a lot. aI also care about what you have to say. It it's a compliment, thank you. If it's a concern I'll help. If it's criticism, lay it on me. I"m ready to answer you guys' questions or any suggestions you want to give. Heck, I'll even take ideas! I'm a bit out of inspiration so anything, even if it's small will help! I love you all, please stay safe and healthy!
          *Pardont eh bad grammar*


Heyo guys! I hate to disappoint you guys but, I've decided to stop writing my Cry me and Ocean story. I've also noticed that a lot of people thought it was a Galolio. It wasn't It was just a nice story about them eventaully becoming friends and, yeah, sorry to all of my stories readers.
          Now on the subject of Smile. I need to go on a anotherr Haitus, because I've started a oneshot but have absolutely no inspiration for the rest of it. I'm sorry and I will try to update it was soon as possible. I hope you all understand. I love you all


Take your time! Remember to take care of your self. I know it can get stressful with having the idea to update all the time. Remember to take time for your self and keep up the good work!


HOI! I have school coming up and therefore won't be able to update as often as I used to! Please forgive me. I apologize and I will work on updating both stories, I'm just at a loss of inspiration right now!
          I still love you all! Stay safe and social distance!


Hey, sorry I couldn't read your other book, I'm just not a part of that fandom, but you'll have my support on 'smile'!


@nightshade128  wait a minute. Your user is nightshade...ZOE IS THAT YOU!?!


@nightshade128  yeah but that book gets me in the feels


I like them all to much to choose!