ooookay where do I even start?
I guess i'll start with:
Hey guys, I'm leaving wattpad.
Not for a few weeks.
Not for a few months.
Not even for years.
I'm leaving for good.
As in leaving and never coming back. Not in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years.
My offline life is stressful and privy to the fact that I recently went through a really rough time, I do therapy.
So that on top of balancing a gazillion jobs AND school AND wattpad is really hard.
I remember when I joined wattpad on January 16, 2017 because my brother @1-800-TRENCH forced me to. I made a few close friends, but sadly we no longer talk. The recent friends I made, I just want to say thank you so much, you made my experience fun and you guys are the sweetest.
All my friends (including the ones when I first joined and those who I was gonna befriend):
Taryn, Jenna, Sam, Isabel, Zoe, Kal, Angela, Alex aka demon, xan, zay, shay, crayons, jay (she calls me pepperoni), urva, illy, annie, aarti, bri, athena, sean, sofy, Mia A., jimo, ree, gauri, amina, kimberly, jen, ana and akeela.
That’s all I could remember off the bat, I’m really really sorry if I missed anybody ):
So anyway, this is my last message.
Thank you to everyone who’s voted, commented, followed etc. It meant a lot.
Now the question: Am I gonna delete my account?/ What am I gonna do with my account?
Some of you may have noticed (or not it’s okay) that I have a friend called Monte who is thoroughly enjoying his wattpading so I figured since this account has a good bit of followers i’ll give it to him.
I wish you all good luck in your lives and I hope you all enjoy life because it’s too short to do otherwise.
I love you all,
Percy Clifton.