
Hello, I just wanted to tell you that the fanfic,  "Woodside Academy" was one of the best fanfics I  have ever read. And I have read a lot of fanfics. 
          Maybe it is your style of writing, or maybe it is you going into just the right amount of detail. It could also be the fact that you made it quite realistic with the romance. I would tell you that you would make a great writer, but I guess you have already been told that. If you ever write another PJO fanfic I will make sure to read it. 
          Thank you!! for the fanfic.


Helloooooooo dearest author,
          Congrats on getting 5K+ reads on you book 'Woodside Academy'. I remember when it had only 200 reads a few months ago, your writing is golden that it isn't a surprise that you got so many reads in so less time. I haven't read ur book for a while since my wifi was and still is down. But I'll read it soon and make sure I leave a thousand comments in my wake. Keep Writting!!


Thank you!! I’m gonna be totally honest when I say I’ve been getting bored of my own story and I’ve been writing the stories in my drafts but I swear I’m getting back to Woodside as much as I can


hiii are you still going to update woodside academy? because it’s a really good story and i would like for it to continue<3


I am but the thing is I got super out of it during my thanksgiving break and I just couldn’t focus on writing it longer than a few minutes so it’s been going really slowly, but the next chapter should be up today 


Hi!! Are you actually new to Wattpad or is this just a new account? I read your story Woodside Academy and it's really good! Just saying if you're new to Wattpad and fanfics check out the Chaos stories and High School AU's it's awesome and the only thing that kept me going for an year of waiting for the new PJO book. Byeeeeee