Did you guys 'ear the one 'bout Sirius Black an' Flitwick's little brotha? Well, Flitwick's little brotha's just walkin' down the streets of Londuhn, and Sirius Black's in a STORM DRAIN...dressed as a CLOWN. And Sirius Black's like, "Ohhh, heyyy!!! Flitwick's little brotha! Look! It's me! A CLOWN!" And Flitwick's little brotha's like, "Yeah, chap? Whatchoo want?" And Sirius Black's like "Ohhhhh Flitwick's little brotha! You gotta get down here in the storm drain with me 'cause you're. Missin'. Out! We've got a carnival down 'ear! We got loads of cotton candy and...balloons!" And the kid practically flips, he goes, "I gotta get down there....that sounds like a right treat that does!" SO he reaches down his arm right.... but Sirius Black....HE GROWS HIS MAD TEETH... AND HE BITES THE KID'S HEAD OFF! And two days later...that kid died.