
So I know many will not care about this announcement much lol but I am still working on Dear No One i've just been having writers block and been discouraged lately. I'm picking myself back up and catching back up. Thank you for your patience and thanks if you actually read my work. I appreciate it (:


So I know many will not care about this announcement much lol but I am still working on Dear No One i've just been having writers block and been discouraged lately. I'm picking myself back up and catching back up. Thank you for your patience and thanks if you actually read my work. I appreciate it (:


YAY entry ten is published, I hope you guys enjoy it! Sorry it took so long after the entire entry deleted I really got down on myself but I am back and the part is up and I am excited to get your guys feedback. Good luck on any finals you guys might have I have so many /: Hope you have a great week and I will hopefully have entry eleven up soon!


Sorry I haven’t uploaded I’ve been on thanksgiving break and I totally knocked off and went into many food comas I’m heading back home now so yay also I’ve still been down about my entire entry deleting my writers block is real...


Hey everyone! If I am to read and comment on your books I am getting to them I am just a very busy college student haha. Also Dear No One should be updated in the next week I am just editing some things and also going back to previous chapters and making some revisions based on some feedback I received!! Thank you for your patience~


Hey guys it has been so long I know, but I am back and writing again! I edited and actually posted two new chapters to Dear No One so i recommend you re-read the first chapters before reading the new ones because I did make some changes. Keep an eye out for my updates! It's good to be back (: Check out my new bio as well! Happy Reading,