
Earth update no. 9
          	All of my connection was lost! And yes, jasper (@maxiemaguma) is still trapped under the sea sooty that clod.


Earth update no 7
 has been terrible a small creature with long ears and a bushy tail stole one of my FINGERS! Darn Earth...EVERYTHING ON THIS PLANET IS A CLODY CLOD CLOS CLOOOOD! Ahhhgggg!!!! I needed to get that out of my system...phew... 


Earth update no. 6 
          Gah! All of these stupid humans are looking at me funny! (So I lazered on in the face) stupid clods! I am so much superior to them all! On my case with jasper, I still can't find her, my radar isn't working at the moment.  If you were wondering, my foot still hasn't been found, but, I found a better replacement! I found... One of those things humans ware on their feet, the hard things! It a lot more comfortable than the rock...
          Peridot out.
          p.s. Jasper (@maxiemaguma) if your reading this, what are you doing? I'm just wondering... LOOKING FOR YOU! Clod...


Earth update no. 2
          The long-eared creature is gone. I found a rock and stuck it to my missing foot. Trying to contact jasper...can't get threw...
          Still raining and my hair is now straight...
          The rock foot is uncomfortable... Looking for shelter. 


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Earth update no 1.
          My current position is behind a trash can hiding from a long eared animal, it could attempt to kill me, I am still foot-less and I need to find something to replace it.  Jasper where are you? 
          It's raining. Great.